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Corporate Training

Globalization of businesses in today’s time has compelled a majority of companies to train their employees on English language skills and no company wants to compromise when it comes to language standard of their employees. All companies want their employees to have good communication skills in spoken and in written as they are the demand of businesses. Eminent holds a great expertise in corporate English training with its team of highly skilled English language trainers. Our major trainings are Spoken English Training, Pronunciation Training, Accent Training, Email Writing Training, Business Writing Training, Presentation Skills Training, Public speaking Skills Training, Personality development Training, Interpersonal Skills Training.

Our training team designs customized training courses as per our clients’ requirements. In Eminent corporate English training program, each individual trainee is trained with great care. Feedback of each individual trainee is documented. We maintain a high level of professionalism throughout the training. Our clients’ satisfaction is always our first priority.

Our Salient Steps to Train Corporate Employees

Our Key Trainings

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